The earth is a ball just as God intended

  • Is The Earth a Circle? Actually Yes!

    Is the earth a circle? The bible says it is. It uses the term circle more than a few times to describe the earth. But we have to consider the perspective of the term circle. Unfortunately, supporters of a flat earth use this to push their ideas on others. They take the word circle and…

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  • Four Images That Prove the Spherical World

    Four Images That Prove the Spherical World

    Most of us have seen memes on social media posted in support of spreading the flat proof. A lot, if not all, of them present some sort of logical argument to support their belief. Let’s take a look at a few of them and see what we come up with, logically of course. Four Agencies,…

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  • What Is a Flat Earth and What Makes People Believe It?

    What Is a Flat Earth and What Makes People Believe It?

    There is a movement around the world that suggests we inhabit a flat earth. They say that any thought of the earth being a globe shape is a flat-out lie. It boils down mostly to conspiracy theories that it is an attempt to funnel money and keep us distracted from the real truth. Conspiracy Theories…

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