What Is a Flat Earth and What Makes People Believe It?

There is a movement around the world that suggests we inhabit a flat earth. They say that any thought of the earth being a globe shape is a flat-out lie. It boils down mostly to conspiracy theories that it is an attempt to funnel money and keep us distracted from the real truth.

Conspiracy Theories

One example of conspiracies lies with their reference to Werner Von Braun. He was a Nazi scientist who became a large part of our early space program via Operation Paperclip. Rumors state that he was part of a team that failed trying to get to space because of the dome that encloses the earth. Yet they still had to keep up appearances to not lose financing or credibility with the public.

Allegedly he has written on his tombstone a bible verse that references this dome. Psalm 19 verse 1 that reads, ‘The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork’. 

In Psalm 19 the word firmament simply means sky. What they are trying to say is that this is proof of the cover-up the late scientist was a part of. There are many other religious examples they use and we will be discussing some of those later.

Another conspiracy example they use is the UN flag. It is a flag showing the earth from the north pole down. They use this as a prime example that the illuminati and/or other elite organizations know the truth about a flat earth yet deny it publicly. All for control. 

Depiction of a flat earth mapUnited Nations Logo

Strangely enough, the Flat Earth Society and other flat-earther groups use this same image from the UN flag as their logo or make-shift map of the flat earth. I’m curious whether the flat-earth movement as we know it today may have been started by the UN as a ploy to create division amongst us sub-culture non-elitists. Wait, that would be another conspiracy! 

My Experience With Flat Earthers

One thing I have noticed is all the flat-earth believers I have interacted with are completely sold on the idea. Not to mention they tend to be very passionate about it as well. A few were trying to convince me through limited at best logic and accused me of cognitive dissonance. The funny part was I was offering example after example and all they could do was regurgitate memes. Tu quoque amicus meus, tu quoque! 

I have this to afford them, their convictions are so strong they have no concern of being labeled crazy or looney by their own families. One told me specifically that their family calls them crazy and that that’s ok. Any normal person should be envious of that level of faith. 

Mixing Religion With Conspiracy

Speaking of faith, another thing I have noticed is flat-earthers for the most part are religious people. This is not a bad thing, except when you are influenced by your own bias to twist the truth into what you want it to be. The bible tells us in Proverbs chapter 3 to not rely on your own understanding. Don’t try to make it say something you want to hear only to support “what you feel in your heart” to be true. 

When a person’s bias is at this level, everything becomes a conspiracy.

It is one thing to believe the bible and discern between the things of God versus the things of this world. As such it is completely different when that discernment is so exaggerated that anything spoken is an out-right lie if it is not explicitly in the bible. This leads to walking on eggshells trying to evaluate every little thing that any of us are taught or even witness.  

When a person’s bias is at this level, everything becomes a conspiracy. This is not to say I don’t have my own conspiracy theories, much less that they are bad in any way. Theories are just that – theories. Theories are to be proven or disproven. This can be done through logic &/or experimentation, as well as by other means. 

Why Do They Believe in Flatness?

I have discussed this with flat believers, and I have read in some of their blogs and websites trying to figure out why they believe it. I am gathering a few reasons and so far, I am seeing that it is based on conspiracies and taking God’s Word out of context. Or perhaps it is a power thing, thinking they might be on the “inside scoop” of what the truth is. 

As powerful as these reasons are, it is easy to incorporate bias with logic. Jesus does say seek and you will find. It is simply that – if you seek what you already believe, with enough bias you can justify that belief. This leads to logical fallacies and only adds to the societal divisions we all try to bridge. 





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